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Quality - Tradition - Innovation Everything for Jewellers & Watchmakers


General Terms and Conditions of Sale & Delivery


These General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery are the basis of and form an integral part of every order placed with Artsupport GmbH.



Unless otherwise stated, the prices charged are always those effective on the day of delivery. All prices are net prices, exclusive of VAT and ex warehouse (Rümlang).


Delivery times

Delivery times are non-binding. Artsupport GmbH cannot be held liable for compensation in the event of agreed delivery times being exceeded.



Shipment will be by mail or carrier unless otherwise specified. Loss or damage must be reported to the carrier immediately. Customers should only accept such shipments under reserve. Artsupport GmbH charges freight and packaging at cost price. 


Payment terms

Invoices are payable in full within 30 days of the invoice date and are enclosed with the shipment. In the event of late payment or unauthorized deductions, we reserve the right to charge late payment interest at 5% p.a., expenses and the amount of the unauthorized deduction. Deliveries outside Switzerland will only be made against advance payment or payment by credit card.



Goods must be checked upon receipt. Complaints must be made in writing (e-mail or fax will suffice) immediately after receipt of the shipment, and no later than 7 days after receipt. We will not accept liability for defects notified after this period. In the event of defects notified in a valid and timely manner, we will either repair or replace the item – at our own discretion – within a reasonable period. No further claims, such as a reduction in the purchase price, cancellation of sale or compensation, will be accepted.


Retention of title

We retain ownership of the goods we supply until final payment has been received.



All content on this website, in particular images, texts, graphics, audio and visual documents, video sequences and documents for download, is the property of Artsupport GmbH. Commercial use or publication of all or part of this website’s contents is not permitted without the prior written consent of Artsupport GmbH.


Content of online product offer

Artsupport GmbH makes every effort to provide correct and complete information about its products. Nevertheless, the color or dimensions of certain items may vary from what is shown. Information and illustrations are not therefore binding and do not form part of any contract. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. Artsupport GmbH reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without separate notice, or to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently.


Place of performance and place of jurisdiction

The place of performance for deliveries of goods and for payment of the purchase price is the location of Artsupport GmbH’s registered office, unless expressly agreed otherwise. Contracts entered into with Artsupport GmbH are subject to Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is the location of Artsupport GmbH’s registered office.


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